Silvermoor have developed their lowest protein, lowest sugar and highest fibre haylage to make Silvermoor Lite, specifically developed to suit laminitics and to aid weight management.
Silvermoor have tailored the production of Lite to meet strict maximum and minimum nutritional values to ensure it provides the optimum nutrition for the specialist dietary requirements of laminitics and good doers. On average Lite has a sugar content of 5.03%, protein at 7.9% and fibre of 67.93%.
Lite is just as nutritious and delicious as Recreation and Active it so you're horse or pony will receive all the benefits it needs from its forage but should be able to fit into that little black rug in no time!
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
(Shipping fees dependent on parcel weight, calculated at checkout).
Parcels will reach you within 1-2 business days of placing your order.
OR Pick up for FREE from our main store:
Dukeries Industrial Estate,
Unit 5 Claylands Avenue,
Worksop, S81 7BQ
Hassle-Free Pick Up
Items will be prepped and ready for your pick up at our store.